Cookie Preferences

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We employ cookies and tracking technologies to collect Personal Information. We collect Personal Information indirectly, for example, through our website’s analytics powered by Google. One more way we collect Personal Information indirectly is through our Internet access logs. When you access our website, your IP address is automatically collected and is placed in our Internet access logs.

Another way is through the use of cookies. Cookies are small files of information which save and retrieve information about your visit to our website—for example, how you entered our site, how you navigated through the site, and what information was of interest to you. The cookies we use identify you merely as a number. (If you are uncomfortable regarding cookies use, please keep in mind you can disable cookies on your computer by changing the settings in preferences or options menu in your browser).

We only collect information when you voluntarily submit it to us. When we collect Personal Information, we will notify you as to why we are asking for information and how this information will be used. It is completely up to you whether or not you want to provide it. Neeyamo do not process any of your personal data automatically, with the goal of assessing certain personal aspects. In establishing and carrying out a business relationship, we generally do not use any automated decision-making pursuant to Article 22 of the GDPR

If Neeyamo wishes to use your Personal Data for any purpose not covered by this Privacy Statement, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use before the commencement of the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where the new purpose is not compatible with the original purpose, for which processing of personal data was carried out, we will seek your prior express consent to the new processing.