Learn how IoHR (Internet of HR) assist revolutionize your business reality

Globally, organizations are pondering how best to leverage the new-age technology and wisdom to stay ahead and lead the pack. Staying ahead with technology may be necessary, but what else is essential to your business?
Here is a simple question to help you figure out the correct answer. What is your business reality like? Adopting cloud computing as the primary computing platform for conducting day-to-day business, empowering your workforce with mobile advancement, and so on.
Here is a new proposition that will help incorporate all of the new-age technology and allow you to experience the business reality you envisioned by harnessing the Internet of things (IoT). By 2020, there will be around 50+ billion connected devices, whereas the world population may be about 7 billion.
The Internet of things (IoT) encases the entire world, so let me drill down to narrow the focus. The IoT is evolving to become the central nervous system, but remember, the heart of your business org is your "human resource." So how can IoT couple with your HR?
It helps to understand what the Internet of Things is. IoT is the interconnectivity between things; the medium of connectivity is wireless communication technology identifier to connect to the Internet, and each object, location, or living thing has its own unique, thus allowing for the direct transmission and seamless sharing of data.
IoT is exciting as it incorporates independent electronic systems using mobile, cloud, microprocessor & real-time analytics to help translate
data –> information –> knowledge –> wisdom
Here are a few use cases and the impact of EHR (IoT in HR). It isn't limited to these few; this is just a start.
Bright training room for Learning
The bright training room will have innovative content, brilliant delivery, and intelligent learning infrastructure.
Intelligent chair – that can log the attendance of the individual. Talking between chairs (pressure), RFID ID to identify individuals, integrated attendance system, etc.
Intelligent onboarding
Onboarding of new resources supported by wearable devices and self-learning and orientation
Google glasses – with complete onboarding and orientation session
RFID-tagged resources for tracking the location of the resources required for me to perform my work.
Smarter workforce planning
Workforce Administration – Workforce application on-demand.
Dynamic roster planning based on mapped resource competency, productivity, and availability vs. real-time need
Smart work allocation
Innovative work allocation process; dynamic work allocation workflow
Varying work allocation based on "current" productivity and efficiency of resources.
Smart workplace
Infrastructure Workplace that is designed for maximum productivity and responsive to workforce needs
Turning on contextual display devices
Extra sound absorbing mechanism activation during meeting hours; brighter lighting during break timings
Technology is just the middleman, and organizations must look beyond the tip of the iceberg to see the multitude of opportunities. Technology can help re-engineer our thinking to accommodate large-scale remodeling of our requisites, envision a new reality, and make it happen in real time. The famous statement works more brilliantly, not more complex, and finds new meaning with this revolution. Envision a more innovative HR; help build a better and stable organization.
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